If you’ve recently landed a job in Germany, you’re no doubt excited about the prospect of relocating and beginning your new employment. Yet there are some logistical steps involved in packing up your household and moving to a new country. Fortunately, these don’t have to be overly burdensome – as long as you have the […]
Category: Life in Germany
This is how Germany is ticking: reading and gaining insights.
4 Things to Remember When Moving Into Your New Apartment in Germany
You’ve found an apartment in Germany and signed a rental contract—now you need to take care of a few last things before that apartment can truly be home. From getting internet to registering your address, we have compiled the most important to-dos you’ll need to check off your list. 1. Choose your Internet provider As […]
10 Things That Bring Luck – German Superstitions
Wishes made on a shooting star come true. Stepping in dog poop is a lucky surprise! Below is a list of German superstitions: 10 things the Germans believe bring good luck. 1. Dog poop on your shoe? …Hooray! The nice thing about superstitions is they help us find the silver lining during moments […]
German Food: The best German dishes for the cold season in Germany
Winters in Germany are generally harsh, but this grey season isn’t all bad – winters mean great German food! In this Guest Post we hear from Christie Dietz, a food & culinary travel writer who explores regional German cuisine and culinary travel in her blog A Sausage Has Two. Here she shares with you the best German […]
10 Things That Bring Bad Luck: German Superstitions
In Germany, if you try and wish someone a happy birthday before midnight of their big day, you will be met not with a friendly ‘Danke’, but a sombre ‘That’s bad luck’. And then when it is finally midnight and time to clink glasses in celebration of a birthday, you might notice some intense eye […]
New Year’s Eve: Comparing German and Spanish Traditions
Christmas has come and gone in Germany. The German Christmas markets are closing their doors, the smell of Glühwein is fading form the air, and that means the New Year is nearly upon us! Around the world, a New Year’s Eve means a new beginning, a time to make new resolutions, to look ahead and […]
Apartment Viewings in Germany: Increase Your Chances of Getting the Flat
An apartment viewing is your chance to leave a lasting impression with the landlord, so that he ultimately decides to give you the flat. Below we have collected tips regarding apartment viewings in Germany, to help you increase your chance of landing your dream apartment. The apartment viewing is your chance to make a good […]
Christmas in Germany: Glühwein, Goose & Gifts in Your Shoes
The delicious scents of roasting chestnuts, mulled wine spiced with cinnamon, and wintery pastries slowly fill the streets of cities across the country – it must be Christmas in Germany! Shortly before December begins, the German Christmas season starts up with, festivals and other traditions, but most importantly, special German Christmas dishes, treats, and drinks […]
Series: Prepping for life & work in Germany – 40% German.com
People who want to live and work in Germany have to deal with many challenges: The German language, mentally preparing for a different culture and work environment, managing bureaucratic procedures concerning visas and work permits, and the long to-do list after arriving in Germany. That’s tough and can hardly be done without help and plenty […]
How to Prepare for Studying in Germany – An Indian shares his Experience
27-year old Shyam M. Ramaprasad from Mysore, India, is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management at the Kühne Logistics University (KLU) in Hamburg. In this interview, he shares how he prepped and how he applied for studying in Germany. Employland: Shyam, thank you for taking the time to give us an […]